
Museletter #376: Restoring Nature Is Our Only Climate Solution

MuseLetter #376 / July 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version Restoring Nature Is Our Only Climate Solution Climate change is a huge, complicated problem. Therefore, many people have an understandable tendency to mentally simplify it by focusing on just one cause (carbon emissions) and just one solution (alternative energy). Sustainability scholar Jan Konietzko […]

Museletter #375: Navigating Climate Catastrophe

MuseLetter #375 / June 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version This is Part 1 of an exploration of the current state of the climate crisis. Part 1: The Predicament People have widely varying beliefs about climate change. A surprising number still think that it’s a hoax, or that it’s a trivial problem. At […]

Museletter #374: Invitation to a Journey

MuseLetter #374 / May 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version This month's Museletter begins with an invitation to join Post Carbon Institute's new programme Resilience+ to explore ways of navigating the polycrisis. That is followed by my first essay for Resilience+ looking at the effect of these crises on mental health. In addition, […]

Museletter #373: How to Build a Climate Bomb

MuseLetter #373 / April 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version The first piece in this month's Museletter 'How to Build a Climate Bomb' is an essay on the perils of geoengineering. That is followed by a short essay I wrote to mark Earth Day. How to Build a Climate Bomb A major effort […]

Museletter #372: Why Artificial Intelligence Must Be Stopped Now

MuseLetter #372 / March 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version The March Museletter is made up of three essays. The first shines a light on the existential risks posed by Artificial Intelligence. Next up is a piece giving my take on the decision by world geologists not to recognise the current geological epoch […]

Museletter #371: I Hear Voices

MuseLetter #371 / February 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version February's Museletter kicks off with "I hear voices", a thought piece that takes the form of a self-therapy session on responses to the existential crises facing the world. The second essay, "Is World Population Peaking Now?", is an interview with scientist and population […]

Museletter #370: An Ancient Chinese Text and a 2023 Scorecard

MuseLetter #370 / January 2024 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version January's Museletter begins with an essay revisiting the ancient Chinese classic, "Tao Te Ching," drawing inspiration for the challenges of today. Some of those challenges are the topic for the second essay (co-authored by J. David Hughes), "Climate Change and Energy Transition: The […]

Museletter #369: Something Wicked This Way Comes

MuseLetter #369 / December 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version Holiday greetings to you, valued reader. May your Solstice be a time of stepping back, finding new meaning in your life, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Your support makes my work, and that of my colleagues, possible. If you find my essays […]

Museletter #368: The Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blower as a Metaphor for Industrial Society

MuseLetter #368 / November 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version Every Thursday our next-door neighbor hires a worker to use a leaf blower. This infernal machine drives me nuts. Rather than letting a pet peeve render me literally insane, I’ve decided to explore the leaf blower’s deeper significance. A psychologist might call this […]

Museletter #367: Treacherous Waters

MuseLetter #367 / October 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version The World’s Top Industrial Countries Are in Treacherous Waters The following essay was written prior to the Hamas attack on Israel, and the commencement of Israeli retaliation. These developments will likely accelerate the overall trend of US imperial decline discussed in the article, […]

Museletter #366: Why 2% Is the Most Dangerous Number

MuseLetter #366 / September 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version Why 2% Is the Most Dangerous Number No One Is Talking About We’ve had a summer from hell, with July 2023 temporarily claiming the title of hottest month on record. But while the klaxons of Earth’s climate system have riveted nearly everyone’s attention, […]

Museletter #365: The Lure of Cult Thinking

MuseLetter #365 / August 2023 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version You May Think You’re Immune to Cult Thinking, but We’re All Susceptible Times of societal upheaval or rapid social change tend to generate new religious movements, and what are often called cults. The English Civil War in the 17th century roughly coincided with […]

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