
#110: A Letter from the Future

MuseLetter #110 / March 2001 by Richard Heinberg Greetings to you, people of the year 2001! You are living in the year of my birth; I am one hundred years old now, writing to you from the year 2101. I am using the last remnants of the advanced physics that scientists developed during your era, […]

#109: Three Great Books

MuseLetter #109 / February 2001 by Richard Heinberg This month I review three truly great books. The first – Gray Brechin’s Imperial San Francisco – is a recent title (1999). The other two were published quite some time ago (Stuart Ewen’s Captains of Consciousness in 1976, and William R. Catton’s Overshoot in 1980). Few periodicals […]

#107: Appreciations

MuseLetter #107 / December 2000 by Richard Heinberg This Winter Solstice issue of MuseLetter comes at a season that is naturally one of quiet and reflection, but that in this instance cannot help but be one of outrage. Following some obligatory comments on current events, the bulk of this issue will be devoted to an […]

#105: Teaching, schooling, & learning

“Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” —George W. Bush, Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000 Until a few years ago I never imagined myself pursuing a career as an educator. While my father taught high school for a few years, and several other relatives have also taught in public schools, I disliked both […]

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